Pistachio - Ultimaker 2
Here is all the information regarding the Ultimaker 2, named "Pistachio".
This printer actually belongs to Cambridge University SynBioSoc (check them out here! https://cusbs.soc.srcf.net/) but they have been kind enough to come to an agreement allowing us to use it, in exchange for fixing it.
The machine has seen a complete overhaul in the last couple of years. We have also replaced the heater block and nozzle for the same style used on the Ultimaker 2+, which should be more reliable and longer lasting, as well as allowing us to switch nozzle diameters if required.
Key Specifications
Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm
Recommended filament: PLA
Recommended layer height: 0.2 mm
Build volume: 223x223x205 mm
How to Print on Pistachio
In order to use the society printers, you must be a member of the society and have completed the in-person induction to the society printers given by a member of the society. We look forward to meeting you!
Here is an overview of the steps required to print:
Step 1: Dowload Ultimaker Cura here.
Step 2: When prompted to add a printer, select "Ultimaker 2" from the non-networked printers drop down menu. Name it what you like, but we suggest "Pistachio".
Step 3: Import your 3D design into the software in the .3mf format. The .stl format is still compatible so can be used instead. However, the .3mf format is so much cooler! (see here for why)
Step 4: Alter your settings to match your specific requirements (strength, printing time, filament usage, resolution of detail, buildplate adhesion).
Step 5: Slice your model and save the generated .gcode file onto an SD card.
Step 6: Insert the SD card into the printer, turn it on (the switch is unfortunately on the rear of the machine), make sure the correct filament is inserted, select your file on the display and finally press print! It is a good idea to hang around while the first layer prints, as this is where most failures occur but otherwise you can let it do its thing!